Bameka Bilingual Secondary School

It is a beautiful site and the community is very supportive of the project.

It is a beautiful site and the community is very supportive of the project.

Fon/ChiefHRH Takoukam Jean Raymaond
PrincipalMrs. Dzelamunyuy Delphine
Number of teachers17 Gov’t (6F, 11M), 24 PTA (10F, 14M)
Number of students602 Girls, 516 Boys
IDP Students47 Girls, 59 Boys
Population servedApprox. 13,000
Construction date2022 – 2023
Additional Classrooms2023 – 2024

When the Chief presented the delegation with beautiful tunics he said “I am painting you in the colours of Bameka. You will always have a home here.” It was a touching gesture and one that left everyone smiling.

“I am painting you in the colours of Bameka. You will always have a home here.”

– Chief in Bameka

An additional block of classrooms was built at Bameka Bilingual High School in 2023/24.

In Bameka, during our visit in March 2024, we toured the construction site where we have previously also built a block of classrooms in the 2022/23 project year.  We met with the head girl of the school, and she explained how the new classrooms are going to be used by students preparing for their upcoming exams.  The headmaster and head of the PTA were also present and toured the site with the ICA delegation..