Name: Nkengasong Felix
Age: 26

Felix grew up in the village of Ndumbin. There was no primary school in Ndumbin when he was a boy, so he attended G.S. Nsoko and Bemenda PCC (Presbyterian Church in Cameroon). He went on to secondary school at G.T.C. Fontem (Government Technical College). Felix told us that he has always wanted to be a teacher. In September of 2011, Felix became a PTA teacher at the new Ndumbin primary school constructed by ICA/CIC.

“I love my village. I cannot allow my village to go without teachers. I would like to help other villages as well, but not while my own village needs teachers.”

In May of 2015, Felix became a government teacher. At the time of our interview in March 2016, he was still waiting to receive his salary. This is a strain on his family. He lives with his wife Laura and three children (two boys and a girl).

Like many teachers our group encountered, Felix believes that education is the key to unlocking opportunities for children.