G.S Folepi
The village of Folepi is in a very remote area of the Lebialem valley. Due to this isolated location, the area is under-serviced for school infrastructure and government qualified teachers. The village was very committed to education of their children and rallied together to supply the basic construction materials and labour to make their new school a reality.
Headmaster | Tangmenge Augustine |
Fon | Nchong Valentine Tebah |
Number of Teachers | 4 Gov’t, 2 PTA |
Number of Pupils | 79 |
Population served | about 1080 |
Construction date | 2016 |
In March of 2016, an ICA delegation visited the school under construction. The community and their Fon (Chief) were highly supportive and organized. The classrooms were completed in the spring of 2016.
“Folepi village in general wishes to express our sincere thanks to CIC/ICA authorities for the marvelous work done on to us by constructing two classrooms for our young children. This gesture has made the people of the village to be very much happy right into the bottoms of their hearts.”
– Headmaster, Augustine Tangmenge (2015)
Interviews were conducted by ICA volunteers to collect information related to; student/teacher ratios, girl child education issues, further barriers to education in the village. The students interviewed were all very happy with the new school building and the support provided for more teachers.